If you find yourself reluctant to surrender something or find you are still revolving the same thing over and over along with the negative emotions, you need to ask yourself why - what is the payoff? What is the 'juice' the lower self is feeding on? ('poor me', 'look how I was wronged', etc.) Realize that whatever the ego is holding on to, it will continue to cause you grief and suffering until you are willing to surrender it completely! Remember - you have a choice - to continue to hold on to negative emotions and suffering - or to surrender them and as a result, find more happiness and peace in your life. When negative emotions arise, the key is to immediately surrender them to God/the Universal. As long as we are primarily operating from our lower self/ego, we are unfortunately tying ourselves to those very things. Common reasons people contact us are: relationship and family problems loss. One of the most important things we can do to reconnect with our Higher Self is to surrender - let go of that which causes us pain, suffering, unhappiness, and limitation. If whats getting to you isnt on this list, please still get in touch.